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American Architecture Award, Mixed-Use Buildings, Nancy Franco Maldonado Paseo Boricua Arts Building

American Architecture Award, Hospitals/Medical Centers, Esperanza Health Center

Chicagoland Associated General Contractors Project of the Year Award, New Construction, Esperanza Health Center

ALA Silver Award, Esperanza Health Center

ALA Silver Award, Ann Rainey Senior Apartments

ALA Merit Award, Nancy Franco Maldonado Paseo Boricua Arts Building

Design Evanston Award, New Construction – Multi-Family Residential, Ann Rainey Senior Apartments

AIA Chicago Lerch Bates People’s Choice Awards, Healthcare and Research, Esperanza Health Center

AIA College of Fellows FAIA Elevation, Maria Pellot

HACIA Project of the Year Award, Esperanza Health Center

Equitable Transit Oriented Development Award, Reconstruction West Trade School

Chicago Adopt a Landmark Award, Pioneer Arcade


ALA Merit Award, The Tapestry / El Tapiz

Illinois REjournal Real Estate Award, Affordable Housing, Rauner Family Veteran Studios


ALA Silver Award, John Hancock College Prep High School

ALA Merit Award, Rauner Family Veteran Studios

Learning by Design Awards of Excellence, Outstanding Project, John Hancock College Prep High School

ENR Midwest Best Project, K-12 Education, John Hancock College Prep High School

HACIA Project of the Year Award, John Hancock College Prep High School

Chicagoland Associated General Contractors, Excellence in Community Engagement Award, Project of the Year Category, John Hancock College Prep High School


Landmarks Illinois Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Preservation Award for Adaptive Reuse, West Pullman School Senior Housing

Chicago Landmark Award for Preservation Excellence, West Pullman School Senior Housing

Residential Architect Design Awards, Merit Award for Renovation / Adaptive Reuse, West Pullman School Senior Housing


ALA Silver Award, Architect’s Office

ALA Silver Award, Associate Architect, South Loop Elementary School

Excellence in Masonry Architectural Award: Best of Educational – Elementary, Associate Architect, South Loop Elementary School


Metropolitan Planning Council Burnham Award for Excellence in Planning, Space to Grow: Nathan S Davis Elementary School

ALA Silver Award, A Safe Haven: Affordable Veterans Housing

AIA College of Fellows FAIA Elevation, Patricia Saldaña Natke


AIA Chicago Distinguished Building Award, Citation of Merit, A Safe Haven: Affordable Veterans Housing

ALA Merit Award, ICE CADE: Center for Architecture, Design + Education


AIA Illinois Mies Van Der Rohe Award, Associate Architect, Cermak Green Line Station

American Architecture Award, Galewood Elementary School (Acero Roberto Clemente School)


AIA Chicago Distinguished Building Award, Associate Architect, Cermak Green Line Station

AIA Chicago Divine Detail Award, Associate Architect, Cermak Green Line Station Train Tube

Chicago Architecture Foundation ChiDesign Competition, Shortlist, Ice Cade

ALA Merit Award, Old Cook County Hospital Adaptive Reuse

IES Illumination Award of Merit, Galewood Elementary School (with Primera Engineers, Lighting) (Acero Roberto Clemente School)


ALA Gold Medal Design Award, Textile Center


ALA Gold Medal Design Award, Galewood Elementary School (Acero Roberto Clemente School)

Chicago Building Congress Merit Award for Construction Under $15 Million, La Casa Student Housing

Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Award for Architectural Excellence in Community Design, First Place, La Casa Student Housing


ALA Merit Award, La Casa Student Housing


AIA Chicago Small Project Honor Award, Automobile Container

AIA Chicago Distinguished Building Award, Citation of Merit, Veterans Memorial Campus at Archer Heights

AIA Chicago Regional & Urban Design Award, Citation of Merit, Big. Bold. Visionary. Groundplanes for Gary

ALA Merit Award, Park Boulevard Mixed-Income Housing

ALA Merit Award, Veterans Memorial Campus at Archer Heights

Chicago Architecture Foundation, Patron of the Year Nomination, Buckingham Fountain Phase II


Design Evanston Planning Award, Evanston Lakefront Masterplan

Design Evanston Residential Award, Automobile Container

Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Award for Architectural Excellence in Community Design, First Place, Veterans Memorial Campus at Archer Heights

Chicago Building Congress Merit Award for Rehab Construction, First Place, Veterans Memorial Campus at Archer Heights


AIA Chicago Urban Design Award for Excellence in Architecture, Honor Award, Chicago 2016 Olympic Master Plan

Mayor Daley’s Landscape Award, First Place, Veterans Memorial Campus at Archer Heights